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Yuzhen lang

Familiar to the Journey

From the past two weeks' journey, I was inspired by the topic "Gender&Disney". When I see the theme at first, I was generally related Disney characters' action with gender characteristics. However, after two weeks' learning. I found something surprising.

According to the course objectives, it lists that "Practice metacognitive reading of a variety of texts, both public discourse and academic discourse." I watched Jean Kilbourne's lecture and Lynda Haas and Shaina Trapedo's essay. Also, the course objectives points that "help me engaged in reading". There are several assignment for analysis the materials, which is good for me to engage.

For example, this week's "Watch&Annotated", I made five annotations, which help me to catch up the main point in the lecture. Furthermore, after I watched the lecture and annotations, I wrote a summary for Jean Kilbourne's lecture. And I related to my experiences to make a connection. This is really helpful for engaging the video and analyzing the key points.

In "Exploratory Writing", I found two ideas from each sources individually. I summed up Jean Kilbourne's lecture and connected with my real life examples to feel the meaning. Additionally, I selected two ideas from Lynda Haas and Shaina Trapedo's essay about "Disney's Impact on the Fairy Tale Genre" and related to my childhood memory , which directly good for me to enjoy the essay.

In addition, the learning approach on McGraw-Hill Connect helps a lot. The learning process followed the course objectives, including

  • Feel confident of your reading accuracy.

  • Understand the importance of having a process when you are composing a text

  • Develop effective habits for your own writing process

  • Improve your ability to write prose that is readable, focused, and full of details.

  • Improve your written literacy, digital literacy, and overall communication skills across several media

To elaborate, the McGraw-Hill Connect would first let me try some questions. If I made mistake, it would provide a fantastic summary of a topic, for instance this week "Integrating sources". I believe that it is a good study tool for me to remember important information and use in right way.

Moreover, the peer responses and self-reflection blog lead us to "Understand the importance of peer review to the composing process and develop effective peer review skills and Understand the importance of self review."In fact, I was learned from peers' writing. The most important is that I accepted other's comment under my post and I expect to correct my mistake and do better in next time!

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1 Comment

Wanyi Shi
Wanyi Shi
Jan 17, 2021

Hi, Yuzhen. The images that you included in your blog are very adorable!!I also connected ideas of the paper with some of my own childhood memories when reading the article. This is really helpful and funny.

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