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This is my story about writing assignment. I'm going to show my quarter-long process for creating an analysis essay, which answers our WR 39A course question, "How do Disney films contribute to the construction of society's values and norms about gender roles?" In addition, I'm going to share my reflection of my progress toward the course objectives. 

Section 1: Planning and Exploratory Writing


Thesis and Outline

In this image, this is a screenshoot of previous assignment, including a thesis and a brief outline for my analysis essay. This assignment help my process a lot. I inspired by the instruction for this assignment. And I begin to write the thesis based on my thoughts and record a full outline for my idea. This starting work actually fit our course objective, understanding the importance of having a process when I composing a sophisticated text and improving my ability in writing and summarizing.


Body Paragraph

For this image, there is my first writing for my body paragraphs. Following the instruction, I cited one specific moment from the film and analyzed and related to the social construction of female gender role. Also, I quoted secondary sources to strengthen my analysis. This moment is a great try for composing different sources and give own opinions. Therefore, it not only improve my writing to be readable, focused and full of details, but also practice my reading and composing skills.

Section 2: Peer Review

My Peer Review

I believe my best peer review for my classmates is in the image. This is a peer review for one body paragraph. I focused on five points, the topic sentence, best choose for word or phrase, analysis of a scene in film, transition sentence, and secondary sources. I carefully read all paragraphs and choose one for specific comment. I also learn from the progress. I review my body paragraphs to find that if I made the same mistakes. For example, the topic sentence is not clear for understand or get the main idea for the whole paragraph. I really enjoy peer review, because the progress actually improve my peer review skill and self-reflection ability. 


Other's Peer Review

I found a good peer review from my classmate. Cassious highlights the part that will be the comment below. Thus I can easily see the key point. In addition, Cassious’s comment on each part give me good advices that I should follow. For example, the fourth point, Cassious suggests that I need to add transition for each paragraph. I can realize my errors now. More transitions are good for my structure. The progress improve our peer review skill and practice our communication skill.  


Section 3: Self-Review


Unfortunately, due to the internet problem, I haven't see the process of self-review. I have to submit this assignment due to the deadline. Nevertheless, for my version of work cited, there is an obvious problem. Therefore, I review my work cited and revise them. This assignment largely reflect a big problem in my essay, which help me understanding the importance of self-review. 

In addition to another part of my self-review. I found an inappropriate ending for this paragraph. I was not fully demonstrate how Cinderella contribute to the social construction of societal gender values. Self-review effectively help me finding the errors from my essay, and benefit my writing skills. 

Section 3: Self-Review


This is my previous shot of my introduction. In the introduction, I wrote every thing together in a long paragraph, even though there are many different information. However, I read the advice from professor. Dr. Haas suggests me to separate the introduction into two paragraphs and highlight the appropriate place. Moreover, I found many grammatical errors. So I decided to use time effectively to revise the introduction.


This is my final version of the introduction. I spilt previous paragraph into two paragraphs and made a change for word. For instance, I change the word “social construction” into “social construction of societal gender values”, which is more specific and focused. This change is the best revision for my essay. This is because it is another phrase to describe society’s values and norms of gender roles, which increasing the colorful for this analytic essay.  

Final Essay

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